Be Enthusiastic!

Have you ever come across such an exciting offer?– “More happiness credited to your life-account, stress busted out, greater productivity and returns, fear and worry battled out, lemons turned into lemonade, chances of success multiplied manifold, and many more…” – ALL FOR FREE!

Surprised! Isn't it? But, friends, this offer is truly genuine and reliable. Here is the proof... All the above features can be cumulatively equated to one attribute, i.e. 'Enthusiasm.' And, since enthusiasm costs nothing, so, you can enjoy all these exciting features for free, just by being enthusiastic in life. Here, it is important to note that enthusiasm is not synonymous to excitement. While excitement comes and goes, enthusiasm befriends us for a longer period. Unlike excitement, enthusiasm doesn't go up and down; instead, it helps us in crossing through the ups and downs that we encounter in our lives. The difference between the two terms can also be highlighted technically through the following stress-strain curve (Fig. A).

In this curve, Zone A is termed as the 'Elastic Range' and Zone B is termed as the 'Plastic Range'. The elastic zone differs from the plastic zone in the sense that in the former, the object falls back to its original state once the strain is removed; whereas, in the latter, the change gets embedded into the object. In other words, the elastic zone represents a temporary transition whereas the plastic zone represents a permanent shift. It is clear that Zone A is indicative of excitement which comes and goes, whereas Zone B refers to enthusiasm which sticks for greater amount of time.

Let's explore what all enthusiasm offers us in our life and how it proves beneficial in terms of happiness, output, success, performance and in overcoming difficulties.


Business statistics support the fact that success bears direct proportionality with enthusiasm – enthusiasm of employees as well as the leaders. Companies tend to enjoy long-term success by boosting the morale of their workers through different strategies. Surveys have revealed the reason behind this connection. They tell us that enthusiasm propels an employee to look for innovative ways to improve things rather than simply reacting to management's requests; he accepts the task with an energetic and challenging spirit, which helps him in overcoming all sorts of obstacles, thus clearing the way to his goal. That is why, enthusiastic employees are considered as an asset for an organisation.

Coming to enthusiasm in leaders and its relation with success, here is an example... The two main reasons behind the grand success of Steve Jobs, the late cofounder of Apple Computers, were his optimism and enthusiasm. Steve Jobs was known for his enthusiastic style of giving presentations. His presentations were studded with energy-boosting words like “extraordinary,” “amazing,” “incredible,” etc. It was this electrifying enthusiasm, which made Apple sell 20,000 iPods every day!


Lyubomirsky and other researchers discovered the factors that determine our happiness. They represented these factors through a pie-chart. According to the chart, about 50% of our well-being is determined by an inherited happiness set-point; about 10% is related to our circumstances. And, the remaining 40% is attributed to the way we approach the things. Certainly, if we are enthusiastic in our approach towards life, if we take up our activities with zeal and spirit, it will contribute to our happiness. It's basically a chain reaction, wherein the enthusiasm of an employee triggers the spirit to win-over the hurdles and difficulties, which, in turn, imparts inner satisfaction and happiness. This further enhances one's spirit and the chain goes on as expressed below:

Enthusiasm ------- Spirit to win-over hurdles & difficulties ------- Better results ------- More happiness ------- Boosted Morale ------- Enhanced zeal to take up even more difficult challenges and so on...


Jeffrey Pfeffer concludes in his comprehensive review of the research that with enthusiastic employees companies are 30 to 40 percent more productive. Studies reveal that enthusiastic employees are able to work in all kinds of hours to get things done up to the mark. Routinely, they happen to produce significantly more than what the job requires. One can estimate the performance of enthusiastic employees vs. those who are dull and dispirited, with the help of the People Performance Model as depicted below. In this model, along the two axes, the factors are: willingness to perform (i.e. enthusiasm) and capability to learn. One may note that high enthusiasm when clubbed with high capability entitles that person as a 'rising star'. However, when both enthusiasm and the capability fall, that person is termed as a 'deadwood' and is included in the list of those required to be removed from the company. Hence, enthusiasm plays a crucial role in deciding the performance of an individual.

However, after knowing all these benefits of enthusiasm, the moot question arises: “How to build real enthusiasm in oneself?” The word 'enthusiasm' itself provides the answer. Enthusiasm comes from the Greek word enthousiasmos (meaning, inspiration or possession by a divine afflatus or a god), which ultimately comes from the adjective entheos (meaning, in God or having God within). In other words, to derive real enthusiasm, we need to establish our connection with its eternal and perennial source, i.e. God. Once we are tuned to the Lord within (not in words but practically through the time-proven technique of Divine Knowledge), we become the possessors of one of the most precious jewels, i.e.

Mood Swings and Their Influence!

On top of the world at one time, panicky and dull in the other moment… Sometimes composed and harmonized, at other times baffled and disintegrated... Does it indicate your mood-graph?

Examine your mood after every one hour. Plot it as a dot against one of the five mood-categories shown below.

You will find that the pattern of your mood-dots is erratic, showing frequent transitions in the form of crests and troughs. This upward and downward movement of dots on a mood-graph is called mood- swings.


According to psychologist Robert Thayer, mood is the product of two dimensions– energy and emotions. Just as energy can be less or more, even so, emotions can be positive or negative. Thus, we obtain four different kinds of mood-zones which can be understood with the help of Miller Mood Map.

Action Zone

Suppose, you reach office and find your promotion letter on your table. At that moment, how will be your mood? Indeed, you will be brimming with energy and positive feelings. According to the Miller Mood Map, at that time, your mood-point will lie in Zone 1, i.e. 'Action-Zone'. When we are under the influence of this kind of mood, we work with full vigour and vitality. We meet and talk with people around quite cheerfully.

Anxiety Zone

In case energy is more, but the emotions are negative, then we are said to be in an angry mood. In this mood, we happen to react aggressively. We shout at the person in front of us, get into arguments, or even land up in altercations or fights. Whenever a person is in this mood-zone, it is better not to approach him with any work; because, the probability is more that your work will not materialise. In fact, many of you opt for such course of action only. For example, when you have to get your leave application signed and you come to know that the boss is in a bad mood, you never take the risk of going to the boss's cabin. Or, when you intend to seek permission from your father to go on a trip with your friends, you invariably check that he is not in this mood-zone.

Sad Zone

When the energy level is low and emotions are also negative, then our mood slips into the trench of sadness, i.e. Zone 3. Often when we say that our mood is off, we are lying in this region of the Miller Mood Map. On occasions like less marks in exam, scolding by boss, quarrel with wife, etc., our mood goes off balance to land in the zone of sadness.

Lazy Zone

The fourth category of the Miller Mood Map denotes indolent and tardy mood. In this case, our emotions are positive but energy is missing. It is this mood which is largely responsible for procrastinating things from today to the second day, then to the third day and so on.

Thus, throughout the day we remain trapped and keep groping in these four zones. Statistics tell that on an average, one in five people is a victim of mood-swings. According to psychologists, change in mood is linked to the neuro-transmitters in brain. Our brain cells communicate with each other and transmit messages from one place to another with the help of neuro-transmitters. However, during mood-swings, the equilibrium of neuro-transmitters gets disturbed. Medical professionals tell that it happens because the secretion of chemicals in our brains does not take place in adequate quantity. There is fluctuation and variation in secretion of chemicals like serotonin, norepinephrine, GABA, dopamine, etc. Our mood too shows ascent or descent according to these fluctuations in secretion of chemicals. Mood oscillates like a swing.


Is it good to be moody? Niedenthal and Setterland conducted an experiment in 1994. They chose some people for this research. Half of them were made to listen to a sad song. The song demonstrated pain and sorrow. For the remaining people, vibrant, cheerful and lively tunes were played. The purpose of making people listen to these tunes was to arouse positive and negative moods in them. The scientists wanted to study the effect of these moods on the subjects. They found that constructive and healthy mood impacted people's view point, thought-process, decisions and resolutions in a positive way. Whereas, when people with negative moods were asked about life-related matters, their views reflected a negative mindset. By implication, it means that moods impact our decisions and viewpoints.

Indeed, negative moods do not yield good results– both at behavioural and individual levels. Under the influence of bad moods, we not only ourselves bear the harmful consequences of anger, dejection and depression, but also make our surroundings negative. Even if we do not say anything, but the negative vibes that emanate from our body cast their impact on people who come in our contact.

Certainly, the first zone of the Miller Mood Map is better than the remaining three zones because we remain safe from the harmful effects of negative moods. But, at many times, we also commit mistakes despite being in a positive mood. Out of excitement, we lose our senses. You might have experienced so in your practical life. For instance, when you are over-excited, you fail to keep control on your tongue; you happen to take hasty decisions, etc.

The best alternative would, therefore, be to get out of all the four mood-zones. We should try to attain such a personality which is beyond emotional swings happening moment after moment. Because, when we are imprisoned in the influence of moods, then our real personality gets hidden. At the same time, our power of discrimination is affected.

Now, the question arises, how to get out of the cobweb of moods? Ordinarily, we try various methods to control our moods. For example, by talking to our friends and relatives, by going away from that situation, by eating something tasty like chocolates, ice-cream, etc. Some people also believe in smoking and consuming alcoholic drinks to correct their mood. But, we all are fully familiar with the truth. We know very well that these mediums can give only transitory results. With the help of such methods, we can switch from one mood-zone to another, but we do not get out of the shackles of moods. Like, if in order to correct our mood, we eat chocolate or ice cream, then for some moments we surely feel happy or relaxed. It is so because by eating them, there is spurt in secretion of chemicals like serotonin, etc. However, soon this gush in secretion of chemicals is followed by their sudden and abrupt fall. In fact, this fall takes us to a state which is even worse than the original. Therefore, if we really want to overcome mood-swings, we need to attack at their root-cause.

As already stated, moods are closely related to the neuro-transmitters present in the brain. Thus, if we can find a technique with the help of which we can balance and control the secretion of chemicals in our brain, then, indeed, we can escape from the trap of mood-swings. Now, how to balance and control the secretion of such chemicals? – Let us understand the science behind it.

There is a gland in our brain called hypothalamus. This gland is known as the king of glands. It is because this gland controls the secretion of chemicals from other glands. But this king of glands itself gets directions from a special kind of protein called beta-lipo-tropin. This protein, in turn, secretes only when the pineal gland is activated. In this manner, we can see that, on activation of pineal gland, the secretion of chemicals inside us start getting controlled; and, gradually, we are able to attain a balanced personality.

The foremost point here is that the pineal gland cannot be activated properly through artificial means. Its activation is possible only through the practical science of Brahm Gyan– Divine Knowledge. Balancing of chemicals inside our body take place in toto when we meditate upon supra sensorial Divine Light, which, in turn, enables us to come out of the trap of moods. In this context, Yogananda Paramahansa stated very clearly– “Meditation is the best way to destroy moods and live in a world of wonder. It helps in controlling ourselves not by our moods but by wisdom.”

Dilemma & How To Overcome It!

Dilemma is the situation when one finds oneself in a fix– what to do, what not to do. It is a position where each of the two alternatives (or all the feasible courses) makes a person land up in a state of indecision leading to mental agony.

If we carefully examine its apparent reasons, we find several ones, like–


Wisdom is the power of discrimination to determine what is wrong and what is right. In the absence of this power, one is unable to decide the right course of action. There is a vast difference between the intellect and the wisdom. Intellect can be developed by acquiring knowledge from books, newspapers, e-media & various other external sources, but wisdom is not the subject of books and theories.


Lord Buddha says man is the product of his own thoughts. If the mind is flooded with negative thoughts, it can't give rise to right attitude, thereby causing a situation of dilemma.


The impact of dilemma may be in several different ways like physical, mental, financial, personal, or, for that matter, a loss of life altogether.

In dilemma one feels tense and depressed because he gets smaller in his own eyes. Dilemma leads to inaction & loss of opportunity leaving one to repent. He lags behind in the race as compared to those who take a decision on time with a clear mind. Each one of us knows well that the time lost is lost forever. Opportunity knocks at the door but once, and if we happen to miss it, it is missed forever. This may result in a financial loss in the form of lessening of self confidence. This reduction in self-confidence is far greater a loss than the materialistic loss caused by the missed opportunity.


The state of dilemma, therefore, has to be avoided. It can be avoided indeed. But how? Let's try to overcome this state by undertaking the following measures-


Wisdom develops only when one gets attached to his base, his source, which is the Supreme Lord. This, in turn, can happen only with the grace of a Perfect Spiritual Master who imparts True Knowledge to the seeker and reveals the divinity within. When one attains the direct perception of the Lord within the abode of his heart, his wisdom develops and the soul learns to discriminate. Then he is able to listen to his soul's voice, which acts as the perfect guide taking him in the right direction.


Positive thinking always works wonders. Why to think that the tumbler is half empty? Why not think that it is half full and capable of quenching my thirst? However, this lesson of positivity is the gift of meditation and practical spirituality. It cannot be accrued simply from moral lectures and talks. When the inner self of a person is linked with God, all negativity comes to an end forever. Negativity, thereafter, never raises its ugly hood, thus smoothening the way towards Positivity. Again, for gaining this positivity through spirituality, one needs a Perfect Guide to guide him on the path of real meditation.


Fearlessness is the product of true love. Love, which is the basic characteristic of God, conquers all fear. So, when divinity gets activated within a seeker with the divine grace of the Perfect Master, all these characteristics like fearlessness, self-confidence, and other positive traits inculcate in his being and he stands firm on the feeling that “Well, I can do it!”. It instils in his character the boldness to face the challenges of life. Those who spun the horse, jump over the trenches and reach across the fence easily. Those who hesitate can never cross the fence.


Difficult situations of life can be tackled well with the sword of knowledge coupled with practical experience. Here, knowledge is not merely the bookish knowledge and experience does not refer to the experience of the external world. Instead, one needs to have the spiritual knowledge along with the practical realisation of God to deal with the challenges in life wisely. Study of the lives of great and successful men in various fields undoubtedly helps a person to handle a tedious situation. But again, to grasp the gist and to leave the undesirable, it is a must to attain Divine Knowledge from a Perfect Spiritual Master. The best part is that even if one gets stuck somewhere after attaining Divine Knowledge from a Perfect Seer, the Master helps him come out of the situation and he does not have to bear the brunt of adversaries and mis-happenings.

Thus, we have come to know that the only mechanism to end up the dilemma (the mental agony) once for all is Divine Knowledge, after which we are able to lead a comfortable life free of all confusions.