Typical Lessons from Atypical Beauties

A Safari to the Mysterious Animal Kingdom

Ever heard of any in-out relationship between Eyes and Stomach?

A CROCODILE has a peculiar digestive system. The moment anything enters into its stomach, tears start dripping out from its eyes! What an unusual chemistry!

Friends, this is what I wish to tell you… Tears, which lack warmth of emotions or sentiments, are nothing more than the drops of salty water. You must have heard of a sarcastic phrase bearing my name, often attached to 'fictitious tears'… It is- 'crocodile tears'!

How faithfully do you adhere to the tips of health and hygiene in your everyday life?

Are you familiar with the RACCOON? It bears a strong resemblance to a pussycat. However, unlike a cat, a raccoon eats wild fruits and seeds but in a commendable manner! Yes, it always washes and cleans its food in the river water before eating.

Because, I know and value the importance of cleanliness and sattwikta for leading a healthy life. You too should never compromise in this regard. Always remember a mathematical equation that 'Hygiene + Vegetarianism = Fit Body + Healthy Mind'.

How many brains do you possess?

Of course, we all know very well that we have one brain. But, how many brains does a SILKWORM possess? … 2,3,4,… No! Go on incrementing the counter till it becomes 11. Yes! 11 brains in total! Can you just imagine?

Beware! I wish to alert you all with a cautionary suggestion that don't you ever run your wisdom-free mind in sewing a labyrinth of arguments. Else, you too would get trapped in the mesh of a cocoon as I entangle myself!

How much weight can you lift?

Let's say that you weigh 'x' kilograms. Just try to find out the weight that you can lift in proportion to 'x'. Let's now repeat the exercise for an ant and compare the results. How much weight do you think that a little-trifle ant can lift? … Just hold your breaths… A staggering figure of 50 times its own weight!

That's right! I can easily carry things huge in proportion compared to my own dimensions. Reason being that I possess a never-say-die spirit. What if I have thin, hair-like legs! But, my resolution is strong, enormous, and mountain-like.

Can you walk on a blade's edge?

Ouch!- This will be the instant exclamation, suffused with pain and drops of blood, if someone accidentally happens to run even his finger on the sharp edge of a blade. But does it apply to all or is there any exception? Yes! The great snail stands different! It can very easily and freely walk on the sharp edge of a razor!

Actually, there is a secret behind this peculiar characteristic of mine. When I walk, I release a viscous, gluey fluid called mucus; and, also, keep myself encased in a thick covering called mantle… Hey! I have heard that your path of bhakti is also like a sword's edge! So, take my smart advice- Generate the divine fluid of Devotion and cover yourself with a defensive shield of the Master's Commandments! Then for sure, you will enjoy a smooth, frictionless skating through the sharp edge, which is otherwise difficult and a challenging one!

1 comment:

  1. These are short and sweet. Would like to read more of them.



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