Nine years ago, I was born and shaped by the Holy hands of His Highness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji. The purpose was grand and magnificent in itself- to bring to light the real definition of ‘spirituality’ and wipe off the plethora of misconceptions dwelling in the minds of theists as well as the non-believers of God.
It is clearly evident that the society has today lost its luster. It has moved miles away from the resort of its maker, union with whom was its prime goal. This dreariness accounts to the absence of the fundamental attribute from its structure– Brahm Gyan! And, this is what my purpose is- to bring back the lost luster and infuse each life with divinity through the message of Brahm Gyan so that every soul is blessed and Peace reigns supreme.
Brahm Gyan is the sole basis for the making of a peaceful world. And a Poorna Guru alone can bestow this foundational knowledge… I live to these profound words of my Master. And, since the day of my inception, I have set forth on a grand mission to fulfill…to live it in my every page, my every corner, my every single word, i.e. to spread the significance of Guru and Brahm Gyan.
This slide show is really informative... it should be continued as a regular feature