No Enmity in the World! ... Let this thought mark the NEW-ness in the Year(s) to come!!!
Friends, let’s celebrate the New Year with a firm resolution that we will selflessly work together to make this world a better place to live in… A place, where hatred and violence stands curtailed… And, only peace and brotherhood prevails.

Let’s resolve…

To live life to the fullest and with a noble vision…
To live each day for a new reason and a higher mission…
To spread smiles everywhere and all around…
And throw away all hatred and violence that surround!

Fun 'n' Learn

{For Hints See below}

(Click on images to see an enlarged view)

Hidden Message:

It tells us the formula to rise high & stay high in the world… How?!? Look at the story again... Here the 'Kite' & 'String' are symbolic of 'Achievements in Life' & 'Our Values' respectively.

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Recharge Your Soul-Card!

NOKIA 000... Digital Screen...
Camera and Hand set with
AirTel prepaid connection!
Talk time- Rs.250.
Validity- 1 month.
All this at a cost of Rs.1,000 only.
Offer valid for just four days!
Limited sets…Hurry!!

Isn't this an attractive offer! Who will not be pulled by its magnetism and charm? One gentleman also happened to see this news as he was going through the newspaper. He, too, decided to set his foot in the world of mobile phones. He thought- 'Wow! So many colourful features in just one thousand rupees! Why not take benefit from this offer?' ...and he went to the nearest mobile phone dealer to buy the set! He bought the set according to the scheme advertised, understood all its functions properly, and, with great excitement, returned home. Aha! What to say of his life-style then! It utterly took a 'U' turn and wore a showy elegance, coded with jingling beeps and tones. Every other day, he would make a special effort to set a new ring tone, new wallpaper, and new colour settings. With immense pleasure and style, he attended the calls from his friends. He made calls... he received calls... and remained over-busy and over-excited without intermission for a month.

On completion of the month, when he dialed his brother's number, in place of his brother, some sister answered! The female voice said, 'The validity of your card has expired.' New to the world of mobile phones, the gentleman was taken aback the moment these words fell upon his ears! He tried the number for the second time... third time... but, the same message was relayed every time with the same politeness... However, that politeness tested the gentleman's patience and he was thoroughly agitated! That botheration was too much to bear. He got up with a start, dressed hurriedly, took his unwell-mobile and rushed to the shop from where he had purchased the set. On reaching there… No this or that, but straight attacks! Without warning, he began to shout at the shopkeeper, 'Listen Mr. Shopkeeper, exactly a month ago, I bought this mobile phone from your shop. But, this morning, when I wished to talk to one of my close relatives, a sweet voice gave me the bitter message that the validity of card has expired! Now what is this? I had paid the full prescribed amount to buy this phone!'

The shop-owner smiled and said, 'Sir, the validity of your card was for one month. You need to recharge your card!'

Gentleman: But, I charge this set daily... Why then recharge the card?

Shop-owner: Sir, this handset is just like an antenna, which catches the frequency of signals. Otherwise, the entire role is played by the card in it. Therefore, it is very essential to recharge the card.

Dear friends, though casually said, but this revelation by the shopkeeper cracks a vital secret-shell of human life. Could you catch the secret?

In reality, our physical self is like the handset of a cell phone. As done by that gentleman, we, too, charge our handset, i.e., our body, everyday- by taking food… by exercising! But, we forget to charge the card within this body, i.e., our Soul!

Here, many of our intelligent friends may remark- 'If soul is the card for this mobile phone-like body, then even without charging it everything seems to be going absolutely fine in our lives! Meaning, all the functions are activated and are running smoothly!'

But friends, this is our sheer misunderstanding. Perhaps, you are not aware that without this essential re-charging, the most important function of our life-mobile remains shut! What if some other features are in working condition?

Could not grasp! Ok, just have a second look at your mobile phone... Now, when the card expires, even then the functions like games, calculator, camera, etc. continue to work as before. But the main function for which the mobile phone is made, i.e., receiving and making calls- this function remains inactive. Similarly, when the soul-like card is not recharged, means the spiritual nature is not activated or awakened; even then, the sundry functions (like eating, drinking, working, etc.) continue within our lives-sphere. However, the main function/purpose of our existence- to send and receive signals from the Supreme, i.e., connection with the Lord- remains inert and inoperative. Neither we are able to listen to the wisdom-filled advice/message of the All-Pervading Power nor are we in a position to convey our heart-felt signals to Him. With this important function being absent, we fail to draw full benefits from our life (mobile). We are unable to pierce the wall of unreality and remain blocked without knowing the true meaning of life. The goal and motive of our life stands unachievable.

Then, what is the solution?

It's the same, as is applicable to the mobile phone. Recharge the card! But, now, how to recharge (awaken) our soul-card? Just as to recharge the mobile phone, we need a secret pin number, which we get from the shop owner; similarly, to awaken the soul, one needs to know the secret technique, which is bestowed upon only by the Perfect Master, a Spiritual Guru. In the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna-
O Arjuna, What I am going to give thee is the most secret thing of all; the secret of secrets, the sovereign knowledge!

So, why tarry! Delay no longer! Get up and hasten! To recharge (awaken) your life-mobile card (soul), proceed to reach the spiritual authority (Guru) of the time. Sit at his lotus feet and know and receive from Him the secret technique (Brahm Gyan)!

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Qs. Is it not enough to believe in God? Why should one make efforts to know about God and realise Him when one is living a happy life without that?

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Route Map To Meet God

(Click on image to see an enlarged view)

Here is a quick guide to reach the most beautiful and most wonderful place in the world! Just follow the directions shown, and you will find that you have landed in the beatific resort of your inner world, to meet your True Companion- the Lord! So, get ready and march forward… The benign Lord is waiting to embrace you and adorn you with the precious jewels of His Kingdom! Caution: Beware of the danger spots along the route. They need to be strictly avoided for the holy journey to accomplish.

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The Transformational Divine Light

Experience is what causes change in a person. Someone has very aptly stated: “No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal.” Opinions, facts, arguments, or emotional appeal do not produce changes in a person's behaviour or thoughts because the gate of change “can only be opened from the inside.” Experience is the sole key to unlock the gate of change. For instance, do health warnings on cigarette cartons and bottles of alcohol really deter buyers from purchasing such detrimental items? No! The only way users stop from taking in such intoxicants is when their lungs, heart, liver, or any vital organ suffers. Hence, experiencing the injurious effects produces the necessary change.

St. John proclaims: “God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5. Seeing the divine light of God from within is the ultimate experience needed to transform a person into a self-recognised spiritual being. The direct experience of God is further spoken of in the book of Corinthians: “For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of the darkness,' made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” Corinthians 4:6. Through the grace of the Christ-like Perfect Master, the doors to the inner world are opened and one begins to gaze at the visions present inside. We are familiar with only one reality - the external. But, we know so very little about what lies within, what God is waiting to show us. Saint Kabir has said, “In this body lie lush gardens, in this body lies the Supreme, in this body lies the shimmering diamond necklace, and in this body lies my Perfect Master.”

As a person with external vision can change his appearance to make it more appealing or can enhance his understanding of certain trades, professions, subjects through the use of his organs of sight (which feed information to the brain), likewise, an individual with internal vision, the divine eye, can change himself for the better. He can see himself in the effulgent light of God. Without such a vision, he would be handicapped and rendered unable to uplift himself from the doldrums and superficiality of material existence.

Upon the opening of the divine eye, the first transformation that takes place is that one practically sees that he is spirit, not body. Swami Vivekananda illustrates this idea. He says, “Here I stand and if I shut my eyes, and try to conceive my existence, 'I,' 'I,' 'I,' what is the idea before me? The idea of a body. Am I, then, nothing but a combination of material substances? The Vedas declare 'No.' I am a spirit living in a body. The body will die, but I shall not die.” Spiritual aspirants, when blessed with the grace of a Spiritual Master, have spontaneous visions of the immortal spirit through the Divine Eye, reinforcing the perennial fact that we are, in reality, the part and parcel of the Almighty, who resides within us as the luminous soul. Lord Krishna says in the Gita, “Ishwara sarvabhootanaam hrdesh arjun tishthti.” – “O Arjuna! I am the Supreme, ever-shining in the chambers of all hearts!”

During the course of meditation on the internal light, spiritual growth also takes place. Through diligent practice, a person begins to transform by sharpening his power of discrimination, rising above selfishness, pride, and falsity. He develops the ability to shake off envy, greed, attachment, etc. because he views life with a broader vision - seeing beyond the pettiness, egotism, and over-extensive passions of this world.

Having the visions of light blessed by the Perfect Master is the first life-altering experience, as it eventually leads one to coming transformations. One should note that victories in moral behaviour without seeing the divine light of God are good, but small in comparison to the undivided bliss that one experiences when in communion with the light of the inner-world. That bliss creates a saint out of a sinner, as one realises his own purity and strength and inspires others to fashion their life in righteousness as well.

Most importantly, our transformation rests solely on our own shoulders. We bear the onus of self-growth. The divine light and the merciful hands of the Perfect Master give us the stamina and hope for refinement, but will should come from us, as we are responsible for no one but our own selves. Swami Vivekananda puts it brilliantly: “How will you behave if a little baby is put on your hands? Your whole life will be changed for a moment; whatever you may be, you must become selfless for a time being. You will give up all your criminal ideas as soon as responsibility is thrown upon you - your whole character will change. So if the whole responsibility is thrown upon our own shoulders, we shall be at our highest and best; when we have nobody to grope towards, no devil to lay or blame upon, no personal deity to carry our burdens; when we are alone responsible, then we shall rise to our highest and best. I am responsible for my fate, I am the bringer of good unto myself, I am the bringer of evil.”

Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan has documented cases of hard-core criminals who have attested to their changed behaviour through Spiritual Knowledge imparted to them behind bars. Thousands of acquitted and released prisoners have laid a new foundation for themselves, and many have taken on the responsibility of keeping themselves on the track of righteousness and actively helping others to give up the life of crime. We too can produce important changes in our lives through the grace of the Perfect Master. Changing our perception from body to soul, from aggression to compassion, from ego-centricity to humility will enliven, enlarge, and enrich us as human beings. The experience of the divine light awaits us.
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Message Board


Qs. Most of us believe in the existence of God. But, how many of us know Him? Can God be seen? Or, mere belief is all we can confine ourselves to in reference to God’s existence?

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